My group and I gathered all of our recommendations and critiques for the film into a google doc. In the doc we summarized the changes that we should make for the film. The most important change that we need to make is the look of the movie. I met up with Rashawn after school to work on the project. Our goal for today's work on the project was to change the overall look of the film. The original filter on the film was meant to make the situation feel more tense. It is used often in other films to make the setting feel almost darker. I suggested that maybe it was just the fact that the filter was too much. The effect looked good in other professional movies. But when we used it, it felt almost overpowering and too much. Rashawn and I changed the filter in Adobe Premiere Pro. With Premiere Pro there is an option for visual effects to change the opacity, color, and even saturation. Using these we changed the each individual shot in order...
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