Title Design for the Film
For our title designs, we plan to use different fonts, depending on the category of the subtitle. To actually find our fonts, we will use an online website. The website that we are using is www.dafont.com . Each title will be on a separate clip. For the Name of Studio and Name of Production Company we will use the font called “Prequel”. For the Actors Names, we will use “Roboto”. We will have three titles pop up for each name. For the film title, we want to use a bold, big font that will really make the name stand out. We will use the font “Awakenning”. For the Music By and Edited By titles, we will use the font “Headlines”. For Produced By, we will also use the font “Headlines”. For the next three titles, we will use the same font. For Story By, Written By, and Directed By, we will use the font “Sansation”. We plan to use different transitions to show the titles. One transition will be the title will appear like it is on a sidewalk, then a foot will step on it and i...